2016년 3월 2일 수요일

Patch Note(3/3): PvP

Golden Items Drop in the field(Farming Mobs, Combat, Gathering, Fishing: 5mi. silver) every Sat. on March
Half price sale for inventory expansion coupon.

Tax-free at AH for Pearl Item(Once)
Heavy rain apply again(Very Daaaaaark weather)
Add Customizing options(skins, hairs..)
New Carmel Coupon(15 Imperial seals)
Signed item can be put on AH(but the sign is removed)

(Sand Bazar)사막의 친구, 낙타 Friend of the Desert Camel
Reward: Light Brown Camel

Add 1:1, 1:Party, Party:Party PVP system(no Panalty)

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