2016년 3월 23일 수요일

Patch Note(3/24): The Lancia

If the lancia makes her a bitch, Okay.

[Event]: Cherry Blossom Festival

마른 덤불, 야생 약초, 사막 허브 채집시 벚꽃 씨앗 획득
Get Cherry Blossom Seed from dry-bushes, wild herbs, desert herbs
씨앗으로 재배후 시들지 않는 벛꽃잎 획득
Get Fadeless Cherry Blossoms at the fence(2 spaces)

Reward: Flowerpot(10 Cherry blossoms), Earring(30 Cherry blossoms)

마노스석manos stone: 마노스 장신구 제작가능(for manos accessory)

선공형 몬스터의 인식거리 증가Increase recognition distance of monsters
*Be careful when you park your horse in the field

대포 삭제 Delete, All kinds of Cannon
*but Perl had mentioned about the battle chariot(it's like a tank with real horse power)
In my opinion, it was ridiculous to have a cannon at personal inventory. 

거점 생산량 2배 혜택 삭제 Delete, double product benefit.
거점전, 점령전 배경 음악 변경 Change. Background Sound for Seige.
왕관 착용시 전체 채팅가능Infinitly all-chat use with the King's Crown[Carpeon/Mediah/Valencia]

[Costume]: Ensla Premium Set

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