호흡, 힘, 건강 레벨 상향 Max-level of Breath/Strength/Health up to 50
비밀상점에서 보스무기 판매Secret shops sell boss items(zaka, nuver, dandelion)
장: 강화수치 하락 방지Prevent. Enhanced level falls for +16
요리/연금 재료 자동 세팅 Auto-recipe for cook and alchemy(must have knowledge)
apply 100% critical attack when Smash(air/down)
마른 덤불, 야생 약초, 사막 허브 채집시 벚꽃 씨앗 획득
Get Cherry Blossom Seed from dry-bushes, wild herbs, desert herbs
씨앗으로 재배후 시들지 않는 벛꽃잎 획득
Get Fadeless Cherry Blossoms at the fence(2 spaces)
선공형 몬스터의 인식거리 증가Increase recognition distance of monsters *Be careful when you park your horse in the field
대포 삭제 Delete, All kinds of Cannon *but Perl had mentioned about the battle chariot(it's like a tank with real horse power) In my opinion, it was ridiculous to have a cannon at personal inventory.
거점 생산량 2배 혜택 삭제 Delete, double product benefit.
거점전, 점령전 배경 음악 변경 Change. Background Sound for Seige.
왕관 착용시 전체 채팅가능Infinitly all-chat use with the King's Crown[Carpeon/Mediah/Valencia]
Golden Items Drop in the field(Farming Mobs, Combat, Gathering, Fishing: 5mi. silver) every Sat. on March
Half price sale for inventory expansion coupon.
Tax-free at AH for Pearl Item(Once)
Heavy rain apply again(Very Daaaaaark weather)
Add Customizing options(skins, hairs..)
New Carmel Coupon(15 Imperial seals)
Signed item can be put on AH(but the sign is removed) [Knowledge/Quest]
(Sand Bazar)사막의 친구, 낙타 Friend of the Desert Camel