악세서리 능력치 상향Change. Ability of Accessories
우정의 약속promise of friendship
신전수호자의 증표token of keeper of shrine
리델 귀걸이ridel earing
푸른 산호초 반지blue coral reef ring
붉은 산호초 반지red coral reef ring
흰템 거래소 등록 불가White Items cannot put on AH
별채 초대권 구매가능NPC sells the invitation of outhouse
Esc-Menu always be located in the center of screen(include 4K)
애완동물이 10레벨이 될때 기술 습득 Pet Learns skill when lv.10(1st gen)
점령전 보상 아이템 추가Reward of Siege
-영주 복장Lord's Cloth(Valenos:Silver Light Horse Armor/Serendia:Blue Lion Armor)
-성주 복장King's Cloth
Carpeon: Golden Hawk Armor
Mediah:Casula Armor
Valensia: Aal Armor
대포 체력 상향Increase. Health of Connon
Carpeon: Golden Hawk Armor
Mediah:Casula Armor
Valensia: Aal Armor
Health+100/ Mana+100/ Infinite World-Chat
대포 체력 상향Increase. Health of Connon
붉은전장 물약가격 인하Price down of Potions on Red-Battlfield
불퇴의 깃발 재사용 시간 30분으로 변경 Change. 30minutes cool time for guild skill 'No-Retreat'
집결 명령시 길드장의 위치로 이동 Change position. Every Guild members move to Guild Master's position when guild skill 'Gathering'
우두머리 몬스터 음성 추가Add. Voices of Perid/Mud Monster.
Carpeon/Mediah Daily Quests Completions
작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.
답글삭제Armor looks great! Is it just in game armor or cash shop armor?
답글삭제A gift of honor for the guild master victory in the siege. :)
답글삭제Can you please give details about changes for blue coral ring ? Did it start at +6 now ? and so it can upgrades +2 ? or both ?
Thank you