2015년 7월 8일 수요일

Chapter 21: 길드 The Guild

Guild Quest

1: Suppression of a Monsters
2: Craft 
3: Accept the Quest [Deposit: 25000~]

Pink circle: Media Area
Green circle: Carlpeon Area

Guild Skills

1. Craft skill
2. Fishing skill
3. Protection of Trade Item
4. Resistance about weaponry(eg. cannon)

5. Accuracy
6. Attack
7. Health
8. Defense

9. Raise Morale(only for the WAR)
10. Exp. +10% (for 60mins)
11. Lucky +2 (for 60mins)
12. Skill(Combat) Exp. +10% (for 60 mins)

The Contract

1. Term: 1~30 days
2. Payment per a day
3. Penalties

*Guild member must be activated in the contract to do the guild quest.

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