2016년 12월 8일 목요일

13th Character: Dark Knight

1. Story: Dark Knight

Goddess of shilvia give a name for 2 babies,
 Garnel(as light of Sun) and Verdi(as light of Moon)
When dark sprit came to kamasilvia, they fought together.
After they defeated the darkness, the tree of kamasilvia fell into a deep sleep.

They seperated into four parties because they have some differences with using power of kamasilvia(spirit sword)

[Garnel+Verdi]절대원칙과 질서Principles and Order: 아케르Aker
[Garnel] 역사와 진보Historical progress, 고대인의 '카마실브 의식' 계승: 레인저Ranger
[Verdi] 자연소멸의 힘Natural extinction power, '카마실브 의식' 계승: 다크나이트Dark Knight
[Verdi] 어둠의 힘Power of Darkness: 아히브Ahive

2. Screen Shot

3. In-game figure

~Level 50