2015년 12월 16일 수요일

Patch Note(12/17): The Giantman


The IronGiantman comes out!!

(~12/18) 1st Anniversary Gift: JUST 1 mileage at Pearl Shop(F3) 
- Stone statue, Random Gift box(Zaka, Liberto, Blackstone...)
(~2016/01/07) Santa's Gift: Santa drops a gift box(1day value pack..) at town when it comes to snow 
(12/24-25)Christmas Gift: 1 mileage at Pearl Shop(F3)
-Christmas tree, Reindeer hairband

Change the guild pay system
-incentive: must be 30+ guild members
-1 million+ sliver pay: must be connecting 10+ guild members.
*There were some guild breakers to embezzle the guild fund.
탑승물의 부활비용을 창고에 있는 은화로 이용가능
The horse resurrection cost to be paid in warehouse silver
상점에서 팔각차 구입 가능
It is possible to buy a tea(for desert) from NPC(from last patch)

Adjusted Damage for low ATK Character(from last patch)

[New Costume]

2015년 12월 1일 화요일

Episode: Anyway

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.

-Mother Teresa

사람들은 때로 믿을 수 없고, 자기 중심적이다.
그래도 그들을 용서하라
당신이 친절을 베풀면 사람들은 당신에게 숨은 의도가 있다고 비난할 것이다
그래도 친절을 베풀라
당신의 마음에서 행복을 발견하면, 사람들은 질투를 느낄 것이다.
그래도 행복하라
당신이 가진 최고의 것을 세상과 나누라.
언제나 부족해 보일지라도
그래도 최고의 것을 세상에 주라

-인도 캘거타 어린이 집 '쉬슈 브라반' 벽의 표지판, 마더 테레사

2015년 11월 18일 수요일

Patch Note(11/19): Reaper's Scythe

Reaper's Scythe for Soc

아알의 눈물추가
(Simple Alchemy) Tear of Aal + 2 miracle drugs = A Miracle drug for party(due time: 8~10mins)

집으로 들어가면 경비병이 더이상 쫓아오지 않음
When the character enter a house, guards do not chase anymore.

바리케이트 업그레이드
Barricade Upgrade: Iron Ingot(10), Molten Copper(5)
Guild Barricade Upgrade: Iron ingot(30), Molten Copper(5)
붉은 전장 포션 가격 변경
Red Battlefield potion price come down
캐릭터 아웃라인 메뉴
Character Outline Menu(IFF effect/display)
1. IFF on Siege(Blue/Green/Red)
2. Guild member(Blue)
3. Party member(Green)
4. Enemy(Red)
5. non-participant on Siege

'집념의 아렌다, 태초의 원소'와 '도적의 말성꾼' 지식 획득 가능
'Arenja of Commitment' and 'Troublemaker of Robbers' are possible to get: (NPC)youthen Arenja

[New Costume]

2015년 11월 11일 수요일

Patch Note(11/12): Flag of no retreat

고대 유적의 결정 조각, 금기의 서, 고어로 기록된 두루마리 거래소 등록가능
Registering a part of Fragment Scolls(Ancient ruins, Kartian, Felafe) is possible at AH
아이템으로 제작소 위치 검색가능
Searching the location of the workshop is possible with item

제작용 바리케이트의 기본 체력이 상향
Produced Barricade is better than guild shop's one
붉은전장 NPC
Add Red Battlefield NPC for potions
붉은 전장 팀대화 추가
Red Battlefield Team chat: Alt+7 (/b, /ㅠ, /전장, /war)
거점성채 체력 상향
Increased HP of node-war command post
신규 길드 기술: 불퇴의 깃발(부활용 전진기지)
New guild skill: Flag of no retreat(base camp for respawn, due time: 55mins)

게임 접속 및 부활시 캐릭터가 공격동작을 취하지 않으면 잠시 보호된다
Instantly the character is protected when respawn or map loading

[New Costume]

2015년 11월 4일 수요일

Patch Note(11/5): 4 Pets

2016 Calendar contest.
: A beautiful screen shots can be post on 2016 BDO calendar.

[BDO Life]
'Follow' command is possible for all character, not only party.
At the same time, it is possible to use 4 pets.
The karaoke scroll time is reduced.(Ancient ruins, Kartian, Felafe)
The worker can farm at the fence.(pruning, bug zapping automatically)

A warning is continuously displayed on the Siege(node war) channels.
Quick ping(~) accuracy is better.
Red Battlefield refromed: +1000 health point, revise def/atk for a very weak characters.

[New Costume]

Desert Ghillie suit

Resistance 50% for Hypothermia, Heatstroke at the desert
3 set effect: Character name undisplayed

2015년 10월 28일 수요일

Patch Note(11/22): Halloween

2015.10.29 ~ 2015.11.05
Halloween pumpkin ghost monster will appear 22-7 clock in game.
Pumpkin ghost drops candy and pumpkin seed.
(also you can get a candy from pumpkin seed at your fence)

100 candies can be exchanged for halloween costume items.

Add 'Follow' Command for party members.
Increased the automatic respawn time to town (1 min > 10 mins)
Increased efficiency of defense(Monsters and PVP)

Changed installation time of bomb to 60s
While the guild is building the command post, guild members can override the existing amount of work and do extra work with 'Ignore in progress' button.

[New Pet]

2015년 10월 21일 수요일

Patch Note(10/22): The Great Sword


Reward for killing new boss 'Karanda': (~11/5)

It may raise a milk cow with Haystack(dry 50 weeds)at fence: milk, cowhide, beef
Add Carpeon Fishing rod, Media Fishing rod, Bobbers(off-hand weapon slot)

[Siege/Guild war]
Gather Command(Cool-time: 11hrs): Guild Master can summon guild members in the same channel.
Reduced workload of command post(200 > 50)
Its impossible to use emergency evasion at the arena
Its possible to combat on the ship. but all special attacks(grab..) will be immune

[New Costume]: Goyen Premium Set

Weapon exchange coupon(long sword): 220 pearl

2015년 10월 14일 수요일

Patch Note(10/15): The Party Specials

Fri. 16:00~ Sun. 24:00(KST) Double combat Exp. and (Blackstones/Life Exp.)

Party Distribution System

1. Party option added

2. Party Specials
It is possible to buy party member's item primarily in two minutes at AH

*Special item price decline by 2% every 2 hours, up to 50%

Imperial delivery price of 1~6G horse is rose

add Channel move button on ESC menu
The death position of guild member(PVP) is displayed on the map(Max:5)

If not completed for 24hr, the command post is demolished.

[New Costume]

2015년 10월 7일 수요일

Patch Note(10/8): Do you need a Ride?

<2 People riding skill>
-The 6~8 tier horse must have the skill for 2 persons riding.
-This skill would be hard to learn
-People must be a party or guild member
* you can drop the partner with horse shouting skill if you don't like him(or her).

Desert Forgun drops Black Gem(accuracy)
The combination can make the Basilisk belt.
-Snake belt + Ring + Fixed Pin (Bailisk monsters drop)
The combination can make the Cadri ring.
-Blue ring +Ruby decoration +Obsidian decoration

Reward 10,000,000s for lv.55
Black spirit's talon ends Oct 15

Park's Shout exchanging: 10/8 ~ 10/15
Used-pearl costumes can be changed with Park's Shouts.

50+ Level Experience rises from all kind of life behavior(craft, fish, cook, alchemy..) without killing mobs

Desert Fox exchanging is possible.

Currency exchange adds to Rema Island's NPC (Gold purchases are not possible)

Horse market fee is increased
The non-participation die immediately when participation attack in the Siege.

[Quest and Knowledge]
Its possible to talk with nobles and smuggler in Valencia.
New black spirit quest: the world made of knowledge I~X

5 seconds delay for PVP on/off

[New Costume]

2015년 9월 23일 수요일

Patch Note(9/24): 추석(Chuseuk)

추석Chuseuk: 9/27
It's big holiday in Korea. (8/15. lunar calendar, full moon. Its like thanksgiving day in US)

[Event]: 9/24-10/8
달빛조각Moonlight pieces: All monsters drop in the field.

100 moonlight pieces can exchange to 1 chuseuk giftbox
NPC: who give you the settlement allowance silver everyday.
Chuseuk gift box: 2000 perl, boss items, blackstones, boss scroll..

[New Costume]: Desert Set

when the karma is minus(-), the item don't be dropped anymore.
*the penalties of minus karma were 'drop' or 'destroy' the item in the inventory.

The maximum price of perl item is double in AH

(for Siege)Command post and fort cannot be damaged by elephant and horse if the durability is less than 15%.

[Black Spirit Quest]: reward of contribution
고귀한 인격Noble Personality I-VIII(Contribution)
I-III(100): 1,700,000silver
I-VI(220): 19,700,000s
I-VIII(300): 69,700,000s
*Chater 24: Contribution

Guild Master can instantly delegated to the command officer.
-The Guild lose 50% of funds

2015년 9월 21일 월요일

Chapter 25: The Stack, How to


1. a very strong mentality

2. blackstone(armor, weapon)

3. Park's Shout

4. +13~+14 green weapon, armor

5. (if you need more stack)+13~+14 blue or yellow weapon, armor(boss items)

6. the empty(inventory) character for the KAO work (+15 => +14)

* KAO work:
if the character's karma is minus(-), the equipped +15 weapon(armor) down to +14 with high probability when the character dies.
(Warning)but rarely item is destroyed.

Make the kao character with killing the horse in the field.

*Park's Shout
1. We can get some Park's Shouts when we buy some cash perl.
2. We can change used-perl costume into Park's Shout eventually.

[How to]:

~14 stack with armor(No.4) 
~24 stack with weapon(No.4)
24 stack is very high success rate for +16(Jang)
*I think 15 and 25 are dangerous stacks.

if you fail over +16, there are 2 stack additional
then use the Park's Shout(10 stack)
now 36(26+10) stack for +17(Gwang)

if you are lucky, you already got more than 45 stack.
but you don't have it. use No.5 items to make more stack until 34
then use the Park's Shout(10 stack)
44~60 stack is for +18(Go) 

if you have over than 60 stack.
I think you got the chance to try and get the ONE WEAPON.

2015년 9월 16일 수요일

Patch Note(9/17): Ninja

Ninja class is updated

[흑정령의 발톱] black spirit's talon(limited period item)
- 잡화상인에게 50만 실버에 구입 500,000 silver from NPC(miscellaneous goods)
- 잠재력 돌파로 1 소켓 증가 add 1 socket for perl chest item through the potential breakthrough.
- 엔트복, 승마복, 텀벙셋, 베네실등 기능성 의상은 불가능 impossible for functional perl clothes(fishing, craft, riding...)

[고대정령의 수정 - 신속] gem for perl chest socket
-이동속도 2단계 상승 speed +2
-직업별 칼페온 귀족 의상 가열로 획득 get by melting Carpeon aristocratic cloth
*Carpeon aristocratic cloth: Costume voucher(440perl) + Capeon Aristocratic dress
(Costume voucher)


Carpeon aristocratic cloth

-의상(상의)에만 전이 only for perl chest amour
-파괴되지 않음 it is unbreakable gem

[크론석] Cronstone
+16이상 아이템 잠재력 돌파 실패 수치 하락 방지
anit-failure for +16 item's potential breakthrough
크론석은 100만 실버로 필요수량은 잠재력 돌파 시도하는 아이템의 현시세의 약 50%가격만큼
1,000,000s each from NPC(armor merchant)
Quantity required is 50% of the item(attempting to potential breakthrough) price.

레벨업 보상 추가 additional leveling reward
-lv.30: 1,000,000silver
-lv.40: 1,000,000s + 3 tier horse
-lv.50: 3,000,000s

모래알 바자르 길드 관리인 '지슈카'
The knowledge can be acquired: Bazar's guild manager 'Zisuka'

2015년 9월 9일 수요일

BDO News: Awakening Weapon System

It will be add awaken weapon slot.
Warrior will get "The Great Sword" and new skill.
-Character must be level up to use awaken weapon
-Awakening weapon system will be applied sequentially(Warrior priority)

Go Warriors!

Soccer: Reaper's scythe

Giant: Hand cannon

2015년 8월 27일 목요일

Chapter 24: 공헌도 Contribution: Everyday 20 mins

It's need a great patient to get a contribution points.

but don't stress out too much.

Just 20 minutes everyday, you gonna get enough points.

Preparations: Sweet potato flour, Cedar plank

Also you can get Sweet Potatoes from another daily quest

------------Total 1380 Contribution exp.-----------

1. 삼나무 몽둥이(80)
-삼나무 널빤지 건내주기 give a cedar plank

2. 시장의 골치덩이(80) headache of market
-소매치기 잡아오기 catch the pickpocket

3. 항구지기의 채근(80)
-상자 배달 box delivery

4. 트롤이 좋아하는 향(80)
-고구마 반죽 만들기(흔들어 섞기) making sweet potao dough(flour + water)

5. 굴뚝이 너무 더러워(80)
-굴뚝 청소하기 chimney cleaning

6. 더러워진 굴뚝 청소(80)
-굴뚝 청소하기 chimney cleaning

7. 트렌트 마을에서 보낸 목재
-목개 옮기기 move timber

8. 개량형 포탄 시험하기
-대포 시험 test cannon

9. 천방지축 새끼양(80)
-새끼양 잡아오기 get hold lamb

10. 질투는 나의 힘(80)
-비단 전시하기 display the silk

11. 할머니의 생계수단(100)
-병아리 잡아오기 catching a chick

12. 연회에 쓸 고급 와인 배달(80)
-와인통 배달 wine cask delivery

13. 귀족 호위대 처리하기(80) processing nobility guard
-수면제를 탄 술 권하기 give the alcohol with a sleeping pill

14. 채찍과 당근(80) whips and carrots
-빈민가에 음식 차려주기 give up food in slums

15. 금지된 장난(80)
-시위대 끌고 오기 bringing protester

16. 삐약이(80) ppoyak~
-병아리 먹이 주고 쓰다듬기  feeding and petting chick

17. 칼페온 불법선전물(80)
-불법 선전물 회수하기 recover illegal propaganda

18. 굴뚝 청소하기(80) chimney cleaning

19. 밀농장에서 온 식량(80)
-밀 훔쳐오기 get steal a sack of wheat